Norsborg - Flottsbro
Friday, June 21th
Starting at Norsborg T-bana, 10.00
Ending on 17.00
The walk goes through local history by a circus artist.
Participants will visit S:t Botvidˋs church and pass by Albykistan, a stone grave from early stenåldern. From there, we will go to Hågelbyparken, where we can enjoy of a traditional Midsommar. After a pause, the route goes to Flottsbro, a modern recreational area, along a viking time path.
At the end, it will be a free Vegan grill for Midsommarafton and differente games for the participants.
OBS: The event is for free but prior notification is required when the number of seats is limited.
If you want to participate, send an email to